The Basics of Medicare

There is a lot to consider before deciding on your Medicare coverage. This site outlines what you should know before choosing a Medicare plan, including cost considerations, the difference between Medicare Advantage plans and Original Medicare, and more.

This site outlines what you should know before choosing a Medicare plan, including coverage options, cost considerations, and more.

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Medicare Eligibility Tool

Start here to find out if you qualify for Medicare and when you can enroll.

Are you a U.S. citizen?

What is your date of birth?

Have you lived in the U.S. as a legal resident for the past five years?

Do you receive Social Security Disability Benefits?

Good news! You can get Medicare coverage.

If you’ve been receiving disability benefits for at least two years, you’ll get Medicare automatically. You can choose a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) or a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D).

Next: Learn Medicare Basics

Good news! You can get Medicare coverage.

3 months Before
Birthday Month*
3 months After

The time to sign up is now, before your Initial Enrollment Period ends.

Avoid penalties by signing up during your IEP. We can send you information to help you learn about your options, and instructions on how to sign up.

Good news! You can enroll in Medicare soon.

Your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) is just around the corner.

3 months Before
Birthday Month*
3 months After

Avoid penalties by signing up during your IEP. We’ll send you a reminder to make sure you don’t miss it!

Good news! You can get Medicare coverage.

While you did not sign up during your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), you can still sign up during the Medicare General Enrollment Period (GEP) from January through March.

Enroll in Original Medicare
Coverage starts the month after you enroll

If you have health coverage through work (or qualify for the Medicare Savings Program), you may be able to sign up for Medicare during a Special Enrollment Period outside of the GEP.

You can’t get Medicare coverage yet.

You do not currently qualify for Medicare due to the program’s requirements. We would be glad to help you get another type of health insurance plan.

You do not currently qualify for Medicare due to the program’s requirements. We would be glad to help you get another type of health plan.

About Healthfirst

We've been helping New Yorkers of all ages and incomes get access to affordable, quality health insurance for more than 30 years.

Healthfirst has the largest Medicare Advantage membership in the NY metropolitan area, including New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and the Lower Hudson Valley.

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